For children, the academy is a place where they acquire the basic spirit of character education through martial arts training, and the home is a place where they practice and complete the acquired character education spirit through words and actions. In our school, we are running a campaign in which parents become masters of the home and improve their children's character education.
아이에게 도장은 무술수련을 통해 인성교육 기본 정신을 습득하는 장소이고
아이에게 가정은 습득한 인성교육 정신을 말과 행동으로 실행하고 완성하는 장소 입니다.
우리는 부모가 가정의 마스터가 되어 자녀 인성교육을 향상시켜 나가는 캠페인을 진행하고 있습니다.
Para los niños, la academia es un lugar donde adquieren el espíritu básico de educación del carácter a través del entrenamiento en artes marciales, y el hogar es un lugar donde practican y completan el espíritu de educación del carácter adquirido a través de palabras y acciones. En nuestra escuela, estamos realizando una campaña en la que los padres se vuelven dueños del hogar y mejoran la educación del carácter de sus hijos.
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