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I am an Eagle Mask Instructor who teaches RESPECT at home to children who learned it from the academy master.

Proud Taekwondo Kids! Today, let's talk about something super important: respecting our masters and parents.

When we're at Taekwondo class, our master teaches us cool moves and helps us become better at Taekwondo. We show respect by listening carefully to what they say and following their instructions. It's like a special rule to be kind and polite to our master because they're helping us grow stronger and smarter.

But guess what? Showing respect doesn't stop at the dojo! At home, our parents are like our very own masters. They teach us lots of stuff, like how to tie our shoes or brush our teeth. We should listen to them just like we do with our Taekwondo master, because they know a whole bunch of cool stuff too!

So, let's remember to be proud Taekwondo kids by showing respect to our masters at class and our parents at home!


Our parents love us more than anything in the whole wide world. They show us love by taking care of us, giving us big hugs and kisses, and making sure we're safe. They also show their love by setting rules for us to follow and expecting us to be good.

Respecting our parents means we talk nicely to them, tell the truth, and do the tasks they ask us to do. When we treat our parents with respect, it makes them really happy and proud of us.

It's super important to always be respectful to our parents. Even when we're mad or upset, we should still speak to them nicely. Even when it's tempting to tell a fib, we should always tell the truth to our parents. And even when things are tough, we should try our best to make our parents proud.

Our parents work really hard to make sure we have happy and safe lives. So, it's important to show them the respect they deserve. They feel really proud when they see us growing up, learning new things, and becoming smart and capable young people. They love watching us discover our talents, solve problems, and get really good at different things.

We are proud Taekwondo children.
Answer by clicking Yes-sir No-sir how I am behaving.

 I do not speak to my mother when I see her.
 I always greet my mother with a hug and a kiss.
 I play as my mother does all the work.
 I help my mother happily with chores around the house.
 I don't follow my mother's rules and stay up late to play video games.
 I follow my mother's rules and go to bed at the appropriate time.

The Heir of Birchmere

Long ago in the Kingdom of Birchmere, the good King Birch decided that eh was getting too old to be the king. He wanted to find an heir to the throne who was ready to learn the royal ways. The king decided to travel throughout the kingdom, looking for a boy who was honest, fair, and most of all, respectful. King Birch though that if a boy was respectful to his own parents, he would be honorable by nature, and would make a good king. In the countryside of Birchmere, there lived a farmer and his four sons. One very rainy night, as the boys were sitting by the fire, they heard a scratching sound at the door. When they opened the door, a cold, wet rabbit hopped slowly into the house and shook its soaked fur. “Poor rabbit,” the father said. :”He must have gotten out of his hutch. Who will take this rabbit back out to the barn on this cold, miserable night?” Each of the sons made an excuse to stay-in by the warm fire.
“I do not want to get wet,” said one boy. “I have other things to do,” said another boy. “I will catch a cold if I go out in this weather,” said the third boy. The youngest son picked up the rabbit and headed for the door. “I will take the rabbit back to the hutch, Father,” he said. “You stay in where it is warm and dry.” And the boy walked out to the barn with the shivering rabbit. As the boy opened the barn door, he was shocked to find King Birch in the barn waiting for him. “Your Highness!” the boy exclaimed as he bowed his head and fell to his knees in respect. “Rise to your feet, boy,” said the King. “I have chosen you to be my heir to the throne. I have traveled all through the lands in search of a boy who shows true respect for his parents. I have tested each boy with this wet rabbit, and each time, the boys said inside while their fathers or mothers came out in the rain to return the rabbit to the hutch. You are the first boy to put your own comfort aside and insist your father stay warm and dry. For that kindness and respect you have shown, you will become the leader over all this land.” From that day forward, the youngest son and his father lived happily in the castle with the king.

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I am a Jaguar Mask Instructor who teaches FOCUS at home to children who learned it from the academy master.

Proud Taekwondo Kids! Let's chat about why it's so important to show respect to your teachers, just like you do with your parents.

Your teachers are really special. They teach you all kinds of things, like math and English, and they work really hard to help you become better at everything you do. It's important to recognize how much effort they put in and to say thank you for all their hard work. Remember, your teachers are always there to help you grow and succeed.

So, let's learn how to be proud Taekwondo kids who show respect to our teachers!


We know how to behave well in school. Sometimes our friends don't always act the same way. When our friends disrespect a teacher, it's important for us to not join in their misbehavior. Even if our friends are doing the wrong thing, we must set a good example by doing what's right. Respecting our teachers is really important. They're here to guide us and share knowledge with us. Teachers give us opportunities to learn and become better people.

We can show respect by listening carefully, following instructions, and always trying our best. Even when our teachers give us tough challenges, it's because they care about us and want us to grow. It's super important to show respect to our teachers. We should speak politely, listen well, and do what we're asked to do. We have many different teachers in our lives – like music teachers, sports coaches, school teachers, gym teachers, and of course, our parents who teach us every day. These people are always here to help us be our best selves. Let's treat them with respect.

We are proud Taekwondo children.
Answer by clicking Yes-sir No-sir how I am behaving.

 I whisper to my friends while the teacher is talking.
 I listen quietly while my teacher gives directions.
 I daydream about playing at home while the teacher gives a lesson.
 I think carefully about what the teacher explains.
 I try to do the assignment quickly in my own way.
 I try to follow the directions the teacher gives.

Teva and the Sword Maker

In a faraway village, there lived a young boy named Teva. On his tenth birthday, Teva was sent to the sword maker to become an apprentice. Teva thought it would be exciting to learn how to make swords, so he went happily to learn from the famous craftsman. He was surprised when he discovered that his teacher was very old man who could no longer see nor hear very well. “How will I learn anything from him?” Teva asked his father. “He’s so old and can barely walk.” “Respect your teacher!” His father told him. “He is a master sword maker with much experience. You will learn many things.” Teva took lessons from the old sword maker each day, and he soon realized that his father was right. The old man looked weak and feeble, but when he was making a sword, his skills were amazing.
Teva’s respect for the sword maker grew every day. He learned to watch closely, aske for help when necessary, and always listen carefully as the sword maker explained what he was doing. One day an evil dragon flew into town, breathing fire and knocking down houses with its long, scaly tail. Teva ran to the sword maker and asked what he should do. The sword maker told Teva to take the smallest sword from the highest shelf and attack the dragon. At first, Teva thought the old man was crazy. The smallest sword would barely scratch the dragon’s thick scales. But then he thought back on his lessons, and how much he respected the sword maker’s teachings. Trusting the old man’s words, he grabbed the smallest sword and took off after the dragon. The whole village battled the huge dragon for hours, and finally, Teva had a chance to plunge the small sword into the dragon’s neck. The instant he did, the sword began to flow with a bright, white, light. The dragon fell dead, and Teva became the hero of the village. “How did you know to use that small sword?” asked the amazed soldiers. “I trusted the words of my wise teacher,” Teva explained.

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Now is the time to finish the character education study time and have fun playing games. If you use up all the stars, study again to collect the stars.

Stars disappear one by one each time you play the game.

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